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Lwm txoj xov xwm kev nom kev tswv los ntawm ib qhov chaw tshaj xov xwm zoo tshaj plaws.

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MODI'S REMARKS Ignite Controversy: Kev liam ntawm kev hais lus ntxub ntxaug thaum sib tw

Narendra Modi - Wikipedia

India’s main opposition party, the Congress, has accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of using hate speech during a campaign rally. Modi called Muslims “infiltrators,” leading to significant backlash. The Congress filed a complaint with the Election Commission of India, arguing that such comments could worsen religious tensions. ...Saib ntxiv.

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BIDEN'S SHOCK txav: Kev rau txim rau Israeli tub rog tuaj yeem ua rau muaj kev kub ntxhov

BIDEN'S SHOCK txav: Kev rau txim rau Israeli tub rog tuaj yeem ua rau muaj kev kub ntxhov

Tsoomfwv Meskas Tus Thawj Kav Tebchaws Antony Blinken tab tom txiav txim siab rau kev rau txim rau Israel Cov Tub Rog Tiv Thaiv "Netzah Yehuda." Qhov kev txav tsis tau dhau los no tuaj yeem tshaj tawm sai sai thiab tuaj yeem ua rau muaj kev kub ntxhov tam sim no ntawm Asmeskas thiab cov neeg Ixayees, ntxiv kev ntxhov siab los ntawm kev tsis sib haum xeeb hauv Gaza. ...Saib ntxiv.

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SOUTH KOREAN Kev xaiv tsa Shocker: Cov neeg pov npav Lean sab laug hauv keeb kwm tig

SOUTH KOREAN Kev xaiv tsa Shocker: Cov neeg pov npav Lean sab laug hauv keeb kwm tig

South Korean voters, upset by the economic slump, are showing their disapproval towards President Yoon Suk-yeol and his ruling People Power Party (PPP). Early exit polls indicate a dramatic tilt in the National Assembly, with the opposition DP/DUP coalition on track to win between 168 and 193 of the 300 seats. This would leave Yoon’s PPP and its partners trailing with just 87-111 seats. ...Saib ntxiv.

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Biden's Tax Hike TERROR: Yuav Ua Li Cas Phab Ntsa Street tuaj yeem raug ROCKED los ntawm Kev Npaj Nyiaj Txiag Hloov

Biden's Tax Hikes Loom Over Wall Street - Qhov no yuav cuam tshuam li cas rau koj cov peev txheej? Kev lag luam kev ruaj ntseg dai nyob rau hauv qhov nyiaj tshuav raws li kev thov se nce hem ua rau kev lag luam muaj zog. Tshawb nrhiav seb cov khoom lag luam twg tau nce siab thiab uas tau ua rau muaj kev cuam tshuam hauv kev kub ntxhov nyiaj txiag no ......Saib ntxiv.

📰 Kab lus

BIDEN vs TRUMP: Nyiaj Tsov Rog Hauv Kev Sib Tw rau Tsev Dawb

TITLE: Biden Thawj Tswj Hwm thib ob: Kev nrhiav nyiaj txiag nrawm, Grassroots Tactics, thiab Trump's Free PR EdgeJoe Biden's ...Saib ntxiv.

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ISRAELI HOSTAGES & Biden's Diplomatic Disaster: Qhov tseeb txaus ntshai nthuav tawm

ISRAELI HOSTAGES & Biden’s Diplomatic Disaster: The Shocking Truth Unveiled

134 Israeli hostages raug tshaj tawm nyob rau hauv Rafah, ua rau cov neeg Ixayees xav txog kev sib tham rau lawv txoj kev ywj pheej. Qhov xwm txheej no tshwm sim txawm tias Thawj Tswj Hwm Joe Biden ceeb toom rau pej xeem tawm tsam cov neeg Ixayees nkag mus rau Rafah. Nws hais txog kev txhawj xeeb rau cov neeg Palestinian cov neeg nyob hauv tsev nyob ntawd. Intriguingly, nws zoo nkaus li tias kev noj qab haus huv ntawm cov pej xeem no poob rau cov neeg Ixayees, tsis yog Hamas - pawg neeg uas tau kav Gaza tau ze li ob xyoo lawm thiab ua rau muaj kev tsov rog thaum Lub Kaum Hli 7. ...Saib ntxiv.

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ISRAELI HOSTAGES raug ntes hauv Biden's Diplomatic Fiasco: Qhov Tsis Pom Zoo

ISRAELI HOSTAGES Caught in Biden’s Diplomatic Fiasco: The Unseen Consequences

The fate of 134 Israeli hostages, believed to be held in Rafah, is pushing Israel towards negotiations for their release. This move comes despite President Joe Biden’s public caution against Israel’s intervention in Rafah, due to the potential risk to Palestinian civilians seeking shelter there. Intriguingly, it appears that the responsibility for these civilians falls on Israel, not Hamas — the organization controlling Gaza for nearly two decades and instigator of the October 7 war. ...Saib ntxiv.

📰 Kab lus

Ntiaj Teb Ntawm EDGE: Putin lub VOW ntawm Vengeance thiab Biden's Credibility Crisis Unsettle Ntiaj Teb Zaum

Title: Ib Lub Limtiam Ntiaj Teb Kev Tsis Txaus Siab: Kev Ruaj Ntseg Hauv Kev Nyuaj Siab ...Saib ntxiv.

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TRUMP SURGES Tom ntej hauv Michigan: Biden Txoj Kev Sib Tw Kom Ruaj Ntseg Hauv Paus Tshaj Tawm

TRUMP SURGES Ahead in Michigan: Biden’s Struggle to Secure Base Exposed

A recent trial ballot in Michigan has revealed a surprising lead for Trump over Biden, with 47 percent favoring the former president compared to 44 percent for the incumbent. This result falls within the survey’s ±3 percent margin of error, leaving nine percent of voters still undecided. ...Saib ntxiv.

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GAZA DEATH Tus Xov Tooj Sib Tham: Cov Kws Tshaj Lij Tshaj Lij Biden Kev lees txais Hamas's Inflated Figures

GAZA DEATH Toll Debate: Expert Challenges Biden’s Acceptance of Hamas’s Inflated Figures

Thaum lub sij hawm nws lub Xeev ntawm Union qhov chaw nyob, Thawj Tswj Hwm Biden tau xa mus rau Gaza cov ntaub ntawv kev tuag los ntawm Hamas-tswj lub chaw saib xyuas kev noj qab haus huv. Cov nuj nqis no, liam 30,000 tus neeg tuag, tam sim no raug tshuaj xyuas los ntawm Abraham Wyner. Wyner yog ib tus neeg saib xyuas zoo los ntawm University of Pennsylvania. ...Saib ntxiv.

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GOP'S SELF-Kev puas tsuaj: Gowdy Slams Republican tus neeg sib tw xaiv thiab xaiv tsis tau

GOP’S SELF-Destruction: Gowdy Slams Republican Candidate Choices and Election Failures

In a thought-provoking exchange, host Rich Edson engaged in a debate with guest Trey Gowdy about the looming Senate budget. Edson raised doubts about whether Republicans had managed to negotiate an advantageous deal, despite not holding sway over the Senate or White House. In response, Gowdy didn’t hold back from critiquing his own party. He highlighted that the GOP’s subpar candidate selection and lackluster election performance were at the root of their current predicament. As evidence, he referenced recent electoral disappointments. These included last November’s midterms where House Republicans fell short of expectations, and the 2021 Georgia elections which saw two Republican Senators unseated. Looking ahead, Gowdy sounded an alarm about potential repercussions if Democrats seize control of all three branches — House, Senate, and White House. He warned that a detrimental budget bill would be unavoidable in such circumstances. The responsibility for this possible outcome? According to Gowdy, it rests squarely on GOP shoulders due to their poor candidate choices and failure to secure winnable elections. ...Saib ntxiv.

📰 Kab lus

BATTLE Lines Drawn: TRUMP'S Dramatic Ohio Rally thiab Turbulent Israel-Hamas Kev tsis sib haum xeeb

# Trump's Ohio Rally: Pom zoo Moreno, thuam Biden thiab Dolan ...Saib ntxiv.

📰 Kab lus

Los ntawm REAGAN mus rau TRUMP: Unraveling qhov cuam tshuam ntawm Conservative Policy nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no theem

Xyoo 1983 yog cim los ntawm Thawj Tswj Hwm Ronald Reagan cov lus tshaj tawm ntawm Soviet Union ...Saib ntxiv.

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BIDEN's Billionaire Tax: Vim li cas Phab Ntsa Street tuav nws ua pa rau lub xeev ntawm Union Chaw Nyob

Biden txoj kev ua siab loj tuaj yeem cuam tshuam Wall Street! Puas yog nws qhov kev nce se yuav ua rau muaj kev kub ntxhov ntawm kev lag luam lossis tsim cov hauv kev tshiab? Cov tub ua lag luam, lub sij hawm brace rau caij qus!......Saib ntxiv.