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LifeLine â„¢ Media threads siv peb cov algorithms sophisticated los tsim cov xov nyob ib ncig ntawm txhua lub ntsiab lus uas koj xav tau, muab koj cov ncauj lus kom ntxaws ncua sij hawm, tsom xam, thiab lwm yam khoom.

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Sloviansk Ukraine

UKRAINE's Poob: Qhov Txaus Ntshai Hauv Zaj Dab Neeg ntawm Kev Ua Phem Tshaj Plaws Hauv Ukrainian hauv ib xyoos

- SLOVIANSK, Ukraine - Cov tub rog Ukrainian pom lawv tus kheej hauv kev sib ntaus sib tua tsis txaus ntseeg, tiv thaiv tib lub chaw lag luam rau ntau lub hlis uas tsis muaj kev pab. Hauv Avdiivka, cov tub rog tau nyob ze li ntawm ob xyoos ntawm kev ua tsov rog yam tsis muaj kev hloov pauv.

Raws li cov mos txwv dwindled thiab Lavxias teb sab airstrikes intensified, txawm fortified txoj hauj lwm tsis muaj kev ruaj ntseg los ntawm advanced "glide bombs".

Cov tub rog Lavxias tau siv lub tswv yim tawm tsam. Lawv thawj zaug xa cov tub rog me me mus rau hauv Ukraine cov mos txwv reserves ua ntej xa lawv cov tub rog kawm tau zoo. Tshwj xeeb rog thiab saboteurs staged ambushes los ntawm tunnels, ntxiv rau chaos. Thaum muaj kev kub ntxhov no, tus thawj coj tub rog tau ploj mus tsis zoo raws li cov ntaub ntawv tub ceev xwm pom los ntawm Lub Koom Haum Xov Xwm.

Nyob rau hauv tsawg tshaj li ib lub lim tiam, Ukraine poob Avdiivka - ib lub nroog uas tau raug tiv thaiv ntev ua ntej Russia tag nrho-scale invasion pib. Ntau tshaj thiab ze li ntawm ib puag ncig, lawv tau xaiv thim rov qab los ntsib lwm qhov kev tua neeg tuag zoo li Mariupol qhov twg ntau txhiab tus tub rog raug ntes lossis tua. Kaum tus tub rog Ukrainian xam phaj los ntawm Lub Koom Haum Xov Xwm tau pleev xim rau daim duab tsis txaus ntseeg ntawm cov khoom siv poob qis, cov lej Lavxias dhau los thiab kev tswj tub rog tsis raug coj mus rau qhov kev puas tsuaj loj no.

Viktor Biliak yog ib tug tub rog tub rog nrog 110th Brigade uas tau tso tseg txij li lub Peb Hlis 2022 tau hais tias.

Tus tsim tawm qhia txog Johnny Depp Pirates rov qab los

Tus tsim tawm tswv yim ntawm Johnny Depp qhov rov qab mus rau Pirates ntawm Caribbean tom qab MASSIVE Txoj Cai yeej

- Jerry Bruckheimer, ib tug ntawm Pirates ntawm Caribbean cov neeg tsim khoom, tau hais tias nws yuav "hlub" kom pom Johnny Depp rov qab los ua nws lub luag haujlwm ua tus tauj ncov loj Jack Sparrow hauv zaj yeeb yaj kiab thib rau tom ntej.

Thaum lub sijhawm Oscars, Bruckheimer tau lees paub tias lawv tab tom ua haujlwm rau qhov txuas ntxiv ntawm cov lus dab neeg franchise.

Depp raug tso tawm hauv zaj duab xis tom qab nws tus poj niam qub Amber Heard liam nws ntawm kev tsim txom hauv tsev. Txawm li cas los xij, nws tau raug lees paub thaum lub tsev hais plaub hauv Teb Chaws Asmeskas txiav txim siab Heard tau liam nws nrog cov lus tsis tseeb.

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ISRAEL DEFENDS Tawm Tsam Kev Txhaum Cai Ua Phem: Zaj Dab Neeg Tiag Tom Qab ICJ Kev Txiav Txim

- The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has made a preliminary ruling on South Africa’s charge against Israel. This charge accuses Israel of alleged genocide in Gaza. While the ICJ did not order Israel to stop its military operations, it stressed the importance of protecting civilians and adhering to the Genocide Convention.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reacted to this decision, stating that Israel’s commitment to international law is firm and unwavering. He emphasized that like any other nation, Israel has an inherent right to defend itself. He marked attempts to deny this right as discrimination against the Jewish state.

The court also directed Hamas to immediately release all remaining hostages. It asked Israel for a plan within a month on how they intend to prevent deaths in Gaza. The response from Hamas remains uncertain at this time.

Ntau cov yeeb yaj duab